Title: EXILE (DV, 2007)
Genre: Experimental Narrative/Documentary/Dance
Duration: 27 mins
Written, Produced & Directed by: Abi Ighodaro
Camera: Abi Ighodaro, Talal Al-Muhanna, Krishna Francis & Alana Wray
Editor: Talal Al-Muhanna
Sound Recording/Mix: Enda Grennan
Music: Esosa Ighodaro
Narrated by: Sarah Mujinya
Choreography, Dance & Costume: Abi Ighodaro
Consulting Producer/Director (post-production): Talal Al-Muhanna
Synopsis: Exile is an intimate look at identity through the eyes of a young British Nigerian woman. It interweaves contemporary dance inspired by African masquerade with documentary footage from Senegal, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria to give a distinct and personal narrative.
Completed with the support of the Daghdha Mentoring Programme in Choreography & Dance/Ireland.
Festivals/Screenings: Daghdha Space (Limerick, Ireland); Zodiak Center for New Dance (Helsinki); Southbank National Film Theatre 2 (London) as part of (Black Filmmakers) International Film Festival 2009.